"In many published research studies, the Transcendental Meditation technique has been shown to be the most effective technique for reducing stress and rebalancing the biochemicals in the body to produce improved physical and mental health. This has been corroborated by research showing that practice of the TM technique reduces health care utilization by 50%.".
Hari Sharma, M.D., FRCPC--
Professor Emeritus, Former Director of Cancer Prevention and Natural Products Research, Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
"During Transcendental Meditation we experience our inner nature, which is cool, calm, and refreshing. This daily experience of deep inner silence results in more energy and alertness during the day, making our activity more successful and enjoyable. And we feel also it's very Indian. It is something that comes naturally to the people of India. This will give us an edge in the global environment, where we have to compete with people from all over the world."
Dr. B. K. Modi--
Chairman and President ModiCorp.
"Transcendental Meditation has been very helpful to me in solving business as well as personal problems. I find that the practice makes me feel deeply relaxed, and my attitude has become more positive. I am sure that Transcendental mediation will be instrumental in bringing joy and happiness in the lives of many more people."
Ratan Jindal --
Managing Director, Jindal Strips, India
"For me the experience of settled inner wakefulness and expanded awareness during the Transcendental Meditation technique is the real foundation for successful decision making. After meditating I have the mental clarity and alertness for laser-like focus on the details and, at the same time, for broad comprehension so I don't get lost in the details. I find myself continuously growing in insight and intuition, as well as in the ability to focus and analyze. Over my years in business, the TM technique has been a real competitive advantage."
Steve Rubin--
Chairman and CEO, United Fuels International, USA
"Maharishi Corporate Development Programme brought our more than 25,000 employees who were instructed into Transcendental Meditation much closer together. We felt enriched and empowered and better able to serve."
D.S. Seth--
Chairman Emeritus, Tata Tea Ltd., Tata Chemicals Ltd., India.
"The key to success in today's world is innovation, creativity--beyond anything else. If you create products and services that are clearly better than what your competitors produce, you're going to succeed in today's world. Having the ability to enhance one's own creativity as well as that of one's employees seems to me to be the ultimate responsibility of a manager within a company. And the Transcendental Meditation programme allows that creativity enhancement to take place beyond anything I've ever seen."
Burton A. Dole, Jr.--
Former Chairman and CEO, Puritan-Bennett Corp., USA
"In the very first week I personally realized the effect of Transcendental Meditation on my working--and in the next four months, on my health. Now I work with better efficiency due to better clarity of mind and thoughts. I credit Transcendental Meditation for controlling my blood pressure and for keeping me fresh and active throughout the day, thus improving my quality of life. I recommend Transcendental Meditation to those who want to improve their quality of life at the cost of 20 minutes twice a day."
K. K. Agrawal--
Senior Vice President (Operations), Hero Honda Motors Ltd., India.
"Transcendental Meditation, for me, is the means to get back to myself. It gives rest, solidity and insight into the happenings around oneself. For me, Transcendental Meditation works at the fundamental level of mind and body, integrating them both more and more. "
Pieter Koridon --
Management Development Director (ret.), IMB, Holland
"I have practicedTranscendental Meditation since 1974, and now more than 100 coworkers at Ericsson apply this technique. I find it much easier to implement new ideas, as I have the drive to formulate and propagate them in a constructive way. It's also easier to take and accept new things and resolve conflicts between old and new. There is also more direct communication in the organization."
Eva Salomonsson--
Director of Technique and Quality Dept., Ericsson, Sweden.
"Transcendental Meditation increases the integrity of the functioning of the whole brain physiology. It is very useful for relieving the tension of the mind and in developing creativity. Having a method to restore tranquility of the mind is in great demand these days."
Hideo Itoh --
M.D., Industrial Doctor, Toyota Moton Company, Japan
The excellent results of Maharishi Corporate Development Programme are seen in the form of reduced stress levels, reduced anxiety, and reduced fear of poor performance-resulting in increased output without additional stress of overtime working.In fact, this first year after we introduced Transcendental Meditation in the workplace has been the best year ever for our company. There is no doubt that TM has accelerated the company's growth and resulted in much better customer orientation and financial results."
K. S. Madhavan--
Managing Director
"Since starting Transcendental Meditation, the relationship between the employees and management has become very cordial, and we have been working as a team. We see that workers who are doing TM are getting along so much better with each other and with family and management. We are very thankful to the management of Tecumseh and to Maharishi Institute of Management for introducing TM, which has given us strength to increase our productivity while maintaining good health and peace of mind. I am not surprised that we are now achieving our best production ever and with less fatigue."
M. S. Suresh Kumar--
General Secretary, Mazdoor Union.